A //Mass Effect 2// Optional Mission for Omega
Written by:
Joanie Michelle Rich
[[Start the mission.|Mission Intro]]
SHEPARD: What can you tell me about Omega?
JOKER: Okay, picture a giant hornet’s nest. Now fill it with drugs. Then drop in a few grenades and shake it vigorously. That’s Omega.
SHEPARD: That’s… oddly specific.
JOKER: It’s not all bad though. It’s a great place to find information and trade for rare items - if you can put up with all the drugged-up, grenade-throwing hornets.
[[I got your message.]]
(click: "Investigate")[[[About Aria->About Aria]]
About Omega]SHEPARD: Have you heard of Aria T’Loak?
JOKER: The Queen of Omega? Yeah! I’ve heard some wild stories about her. Like, this one time, she had this Turian lieutenant named Gunvar who was skimming credits off one of her bigger weapons operations. But get this, she knew the guy was doing it, but she let him think she didn’t know any better. Then one day, this guy gets really brave, goes for a bigger score - he tells Aria a whole shipment of weapons got lost. When greedy little Gunvar sneaks off to unload the shipment, he opens it only to find a pack of starving Varren inside. Then Aria locks him inside and watches as they tear him limb from limb. True story!
JOKER: Anything else?
[[I got your message.]]
(click: "Investigate")[About Aria
[[About Omega->About Omega]]]JOKER: Yes! I knew I could count on you, Commander!
SHEPARD: So where can I find this package?
JOKER: The drop-off point is outside the Omega Market. You'll be looking for a Batarian guy named Korbak.
[[Goodbye]]SHEPARD: So, what's in this package?
JOKER: Okay, now don't freak out, but I have no clue.
JOKER: I don't know because it's a birthday present - from my dad. I told him not to send anything physical to me since we're working under the radar with Cerberus, but he's so stubborn!
SHEPARD: Sounds like someone else I know...
JOKER: Anyway, he found this little courier service on Omega that prides themselves on "delivering anything to anyone" in the whole galaxy.
SHEPARD: Big promise for a small company.
JOKER: Well, apparently, they delivered on it, because they managed to message me as soon as we arrived here.
JOKER: Look, I know what you're thinking, this is shady as fuck, but... It would mean a lot to me if you could get it.
JOKER: Plus, it's my birthday! Was my birthday... several weeks ago. It's a late gift.
[[I'll do it.->I'll do it.]]
(click: "Investigate")[What's in it?
[[Should I be worried?->Should I be worried?]]]SHEPARD: Should I be worried about this?
JOKER: I doubt my dad would send me anything illegal, if that's what you mean.
SHEPARD: No, I mean, how can you be sure this is legit?
JOKER: I called my Dad. He verified the tracking number. This is legit.
JOKER: Look, I know how this whole situation sounds, but if you could just do this for me, I won't ask you for anything else, I swear!
SHEPARD: Why do I have a hard time believing that?
JOKER: What if I make a sad puppy face?
[[I'll do it.->I'll do it.]]
(click: "Investigate")[[[What's in it?->What's in it?]]
Should I be worried?]JOKER: See you, Commander.
[[Go to Omega Market.|Omega Market]]JOKER: Hey Commander!
JOKER: Hope my little errand wasn't too much trouble...
JOKER: Oooh... It was, wasn't it? Sorry.
[[You owe me.]]
[[Don't mention it.]]
[[Never. Again.]]SHEPARD: You owe me.
JOKER: I'll try to pay you back.
(if:$PaidKorbak is true)[
SHEPARD: Pay me now. You owe me 500 credits - for "processing fees."
JOKER: Maybe you can talk to Miranda? Take it out of my paycheck?
JOKER: Okay, okay! Here!
(text-colour:green)[+500 Credits]
JOKER: So... about my package...
(if:$LatanaEscaped is true)[
[[I lost it.]]
(else-if:$PackageDamaged is true)[
[[Here.|It's damaged.]]
(else-if:$ShepardKeptPackage is true)[
[[Here.|I have it.]]
[[Here.|I have it.]]
](text-colour:magenta)[+1000 XP]
SHEPARD: Here. Happy Late Birthday, Joker.
//SHEPARD hands over the package. JOKER opens it and removes a large data drive.//
JOKER: Sweet! It's my dad's old vid collection! He's got every movie from the 20th-21st Century! Oh hell yeah!
//Joker pulls up a vid window, showing a very long list of movie titles. He taps on “Night of the Living Dead” and a vid starts playing.//
JOKER: //Night of the Living Dead//! I love this one! Here, check this...
//He fast-forwards to the beginning where Johnny and Barbra are in the cemetary.//
(On the vid) JOHNNY: They’re coming to get you, Barbra!
//JOKER laughs and pauses it.//
JOKER: Man, I used to say this to my sister all the time. It was our little inside joke with Dad...
SHEPARD: I’ll leave you to it.
JOKER: Wait! Don't go, Commander! C’mon. Take a break. Watch it with me!
SHEPARD: I really...
JOKER: I'll make some popcorn!
[[Sure.|Watch Movie]]
[[No thanks.|No Thanks]](text-colour:magenta)[+500 XP]
//SHEPARD hands the package to Joker. It's damaged... badly.//
JOKER: Guess Dad paid for "neglected class," huh?
SHEPARD: We had some... complications.
JOKER: I'm sure it's fine...
//JOKER opens the package. The data drive inside is sparking.//
JOKER: Well, you know what I always say, it's the thought that counts!
SHEPARD: When have you said that?
JOKER: Just now. Weren't you paying attention?
SHEPARD: (sighs) Happy Late Birthday.
JOKER: Thanks! See you, Commander!
[[Mission Completed]]JOKER: You ''lost'' it!?
JOKER: I mean--it's no big deal... probably! I'll just call my dad. Talk to you later?
JOKER: Later it is!
//Joker spins around in his pilot's chair, ignoring you.//
(text-colour:magenta)[+250 XP]
[[Mission Completed]]Shepard arrives at Omega Market, which is crowded and noisy. A Batarian is standing to the side of the entrance, nervously shifting his weight back and forth, all four of his eyes darting around.
[[Talk to the Batarian.|Talk to Korbak]]SHEPARD: Are you Korbak?
KORBAK: Y-yes, that's me. Are you here for the... the uh... p-package?
SHEPARD: Yes. Where is it?
KORBAK: B-Before we go, there is the matter of a small fee, for p-processing...
[[RENEGADE Interrupt]]
SHEPARD: He didn't mention a fee.
KORBAK: Yes, 500 Credits.
[[Pay Korbak]] //The scene changes to a dark back alley. KORBAK unlocks a door and it opens.//
KORBAK: Inside, on the t-table.
[[Go inside.]]JOKER: Hey Commander. Need something?
[[I got your message.]]
(click: "Investigate")[[[About Omega->About Omega]]
[[About Aria->About Aria]]]SHEPARD: I got your message. So what's this quick favor you need help with?
JOKER: Well, since we’re on Omega and all… I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind picking up a small package for me. No big deal if you can’t.
[[I'll do it.->I'll do it.]]
(click: "Investigate")[[[What's in it?->What's in it?]]
[[Should I be worried?->Should I be worried?]]](set: $PaidKorbak to false)
(set: $KorbakDead to false)
(set: $DroggoHasPackage to false)
(set: $LatanaHasPackage to false)
(set: $ShepardKeptPackage to false)
(set: $DroggoDead to false)
(set: $PackageDamaged to false)
You are Commander Shepard.
The Normandy SR2 is currently docked on Omega. After meeting with Aria T'Loak in Afterlife, you receive a new message from Joker. Returning to the Bridge of the Normandy, you open your private terminal and read the message:
//To: Commander Shepard
From: Joker
Subject: Need a quick favor
Hey Commander,
Before we leave Omega, can you stop by the cockpit? I have a teensy little errand I could use some help with.
- Joker//
[[Go talk to Joker.|Talk to Joker]] (text-colour:red)[(+5 Renegade Points)]
SHEPARD: I'm taking that package...
//SHEPARD grabs KORBAK by the neck.//
SHEPARD: But you can either walk home tonight or limp there...
KORBAK: //(gulps)//
SHEPARD: Your choice.
KORBAK: I s-suppose I could w-waive the f-fee.
//SHEPARD releases him.//
SHEPARD: Good choice.
KORBAK: T-this way.
[[Follow Korbak]] SHEPARD: Fine. Here.
//SHEPARD Hands over the money.//
(text-colour:red)[(-500 Credits)]
(set: $PaidKorbak to true)
KORBAK: T-this way, if you p-please.
[[Follow Korbak]] //A package is lying on the table in this dingy room. A datapad with a PACKAGE RECEIPT is lying on top of it.//
//Shepard picks up the package and quickly scans the datapad://
//Shipment Receipt #248594KC
RECIPIENT: Latana Helnion - Blue Suns
NOTES: FRAGILE! Do not expose to HEAT!
Package Contents:
- Red Sand (100 vials)
- Medi-gel (25 units)
- Various medical supplies
[[This is the wrong package.]]SHEPARD: Hey Korbak, this isn't my package. This reciept says it's for someone in the Blue Suns.
KORBAK: Oh no. No, no, no, no...
KORBAK: She's here! Got to run!
//He makes a break for it out the door. SHEPARD chases after him.//
SHEPARD: Hey! Where's my package?
//KORBAK bumps into CAPTAIN LATANA HELNION, a female Turian who works for the BLUE SUNS. She is followed by three Blue Sun soldiers.//
LATANA: Korbak! You gave me the wrong package! Again!
KORBAK: S-sorry Miss L-Latana. Won't happen again. P-promise!
LATANA draws her M-15 Vindcator Battle Rifle, pointing it between his four eyes. She cocks it.
LATANA: You bet it won't...
[[PARAGON Interrupt]]
[[Let her kill him.]](text-colour:navy)[(+5 PARAGON Points)]
(set: $KorbakDead to false)
SHEPARD: Wait! Korbak doesn't have your package. I do.
//SHEPARD holds out the package.//
LATANA lowers her rifle and turns to SHEPARD.
LATANA: I see. Then this one must be yours?
//LATANA gestures to one of her soliders and he reveals a nearly identical package.//
KORBAK: I'll let you t-two sort this out! BYE!
//KORBAK runs away before anyone can catch him.//
LATANA: That slipperly little--! Well, no matter...
LATANA points her rifle at SHEPARD.
LATANA: Hand it over.
SQUADMATE #1: We've got more company!
[[SHEPARD: You have got to be kidding me.]](set: $KorbakDead to true)
//LATANA shoots KORBAK at point-blank range, killing him instantly. He slumps to the ground.//
LATANA: Search him.
//LATANA's soldiers search his body.//
//One of them shakes his head and shrugs.//
LATANA: SPIRITS! Where's my package?
SHEPARD: Looking for this?
SHEPARD holds out LATANA's package.
LATANA: I see... Then this package must be yours.
//LATANA gestures and one of her soliders reveals an identical package to the one SHEPARD is holding.//
SQUADMATE #1: We've got more company!
[[SHEPARD: You have got to be kidding me.]]SHEPARD: You have got to be kidding me...
//CAPTAIN VUMAR DROGGO, a male Krogan of the Blood Pack, enters the scene with a group of Vorcha soldiers following him.//
LATANA: Droggo... What do you want?
DROGGO: That package is stolen Blood Pack property. Hand it over, before I make you a new breathing hole.
//DROGGO aims his M-300 Claymore shotgun at Latana.//
LATANA: You idiot. That's your package.
//LATANA points to SHEPARD. DROGGO finally notices that SHEPARD is here.//
DROGGO: Huh? Who the fuck are you?
SHEPARD: Shepard. Commander Shepard.
DROGGO: Aren't you dead?
SHEPARD: I was. I got better.
LATANA: You want your package, Shepard? Then give me mine, please.
DROGGO: No, that package is mine. Give it to me.
[[Give Latana the package.]]
[[Give Droggo the package.]]
[[Keep the package.]](set: $LatanaHasPackage to true)
SHEPARD: Since you asked so nicely, catch!
//LATANA catches the package and immediately runs away.//
SHEPARD: Hey! What about my package!
LATANA: Got to catch me first, Shepard!
DROGGO: I don't care who has it, kill them all!
SQUADMATE#2: Real smooth, Commander.
SHEPARD: After her!
[[COMBAT ENCOUNTER]](set: $DroggoHasPackage to true)
SHEPARD: You want it, you got it. CATCH!
//SHEPARD throws the package to Droggo, who nearly drops it.//
LATANA: Bastard!
//LATANA makes a run for it, with her soldiers providing cover fire.//
DROGGO: After her!
[[COMBAT ENCOUNTER]](set: $ShepardKeptPackage to true)
SHEPARD: You know, I've grown attached to this package. It's mine now.
SQUADMATE#2: Are you serious?
DROGGO: Then it's settled. Whoever kills Shepard gets the package.
LATANA: Fine by me.
SHEPARD: We've got this!
[[COMBAT ENCOUNTER]](if: $ShepardKeptPackage is true)[//SHEPARD's squad is attacked by both LATANA and DROGGO's squads, who are working together to kill SHEPARD.
SHEPARD's squad manages to kill all of them, including LATANA and DROGGO.//
(set: $DroggoDead to true)
](else-if: $DroggoHasPackage is true)[//DROGGO's squad works together with SHEPARD's squad to take down Latana. They must chase her through the back alleys and take down her squadmates, before she escapes.//
//Does Latana escape?//
[[Yes|Latana escapes.]]
[[No|Latana is killed.]]
](else:)[//DROGGO's squad attacks SQUAD's squad and LATANA's squad. LATANA is on the run while her soldiers provide cover. SHEPARD's squad must kill DROGGO and then chase after LATANA, before she escapes.//
(set: $DroggoDead to true)
//Does Latana escape?//
[[Yes|Latana escapes.]]
[[No|Latana is killed.]]
](if:$ShepardKeptPackage is true and $KorbakDead is true)[
//SHEPARD walks over and picks up Joker's package. It's scuffed, but it's intact.//
SHEPARD: All of that for this package? I hope Joker appreciates this.
SQUADMATE#2: Commander! I found the drug package.
SQUADMATE#1: What should we do with it?
[[Destroy Package]] (text-colour:navy)[(PARAGON)]
[[Abandon Package]]
(else-if:$ShepardKeptPackage is true and $KorbakDead is false)[
//SHEPARD walks over and picks up Joker's package. It's scuffed, but it's intact.//
SHEPARD: All of that for this package? I hope Joker appreciates this.
SQUADMATE#2: Commander! I found the drug package.
SQUADMATE#1: What should we do with it?
KORBAK: P-perhaps I can be of a-assistance?
SHEPARD aims their equipped weapon at KORBAK, who comes out from his hiding spot nearby.
SHEPARD: Why don't you crawl back to whatever hole you were cowering in?
KORBAK: P-please! I'll g-give you 2000 credits for it. A fair deal! What do you say?
[[Sell Package]] (text-colour:red)[(RENEGADE)]
[[Destroy Package]] (text-colour:navy)[(PARAGON)]
[[Abandon Package]]
SHEPARD: We're done here. Let's go home.
[[Return to the Normandy.|Back To Joker]]]MISSION COMPLETED!
Congratulations, Commander!
[[Play Again|START]](set: $LatanaEscaped to true)
//LATANA manages to escape through the back alleys, taking not only the drug package, but Joker's package with her.//
(if:$DroggoDead is true)[
SQUADMATE#2: She's gone.
SQUADMATE#1: So much for Joker's package.
SHEPARD: What a mess...
SHEPARD: Damn it! She's gone.
DROGGO: She's slipperier than a pyjak in a vent, but I won't rest until I have her head. You have my thanks, though.
//DROGGO and his squad leave.//
SQUADMATE#1: That could have ended better.
SQUADMATE#2: Much better...
[[COMBAT RESOLVES]](set: $LatanaEscaped to false)
(set: $PackageDamaged to true)
(if:$DroggoDead is true)[
//LATANA is dead. Joker's package is lying next to her.//
SQUADMATE#2: Got her!
SQUADMATE#1: Droggo's dead too.
SHEPARD: What a mess...]
//SHEPARD and DROGGO's combined forces managed to kill LATANA before she escaped.//
DROGGO: Finally, she's dead. You can keep this package. Its contents are worthless to me...
//DROGGO casually tosses Joker's package aside. It was already damaged in the battle and now it's a bit bent... SHEPARD picks it up, but DROGGO is already gone.//
SHEPARD: Thanks, I guess...
[[COMBAT RESOLVES]](if:$KorbakDead is true)[
SHEPARD: Just leave it. It's not worth the trouble.
//SHEPARD's squadmate puts down the package. SHEPARD's squad walks away, leaving it behind.//
SHEPARD: Let's go home.
SHEPARD: I'm not taking your money. Keep your package.
//SHEPARD's Squadmate returns the package to KORBAK.//
KORBAK: T-thank you!
SHEPARD: Next time, double-check your work.
KORBAK: I will!
SQUADMATE#1: I doubt it.
SHEPARD: Let's go home.
[[Return to the Normandy.|Back To Joker]](text-colour:blue)[(+5 Paragon Points)]
(if:$KorbakDead is true)[
SHEPARD: I don't want anyone getting a hold of these drugs.
//SHEPARD sets the package down on a wall and steps back, taking a shot and destroying it in one shot.//
SHEPARD: Let's go home.
KORBAK: W-wait!
//SHEPARD sets the package down on a wall and steps back, taking a shot and destroying it in one shot.//
SHEPARD: Here's a tip: find a different line of work.
//KORBAK sifts through the wreckage of the package, but there's nothing left.//
SHEPARD: Let's go home.
[[Return to the Normandy.|Back To Joker]](text-colour:red)[(+5 Renegade Points)]
(text-colour:green)[+2000 Credits]
KORBAK: Pleasure doing business with you.
SHEPARD: Get out of my sight.
//KORBAK runs away.//
SHEPARD: Let's get out of here.
[[Return to the Normandy.|Back To Joker]]SHEPARD: Don't mention it.
JOKER: I'll try not--
JOKER: ... Noted.
JOKER: So... about my package...
(if:$LatanaEscaped is true)[
[[I lost it.]]
(else-if:$PackageDamaged is true)[
[[Here.|It's damaged.]]
(else-if:$ShepardKeptPackage is true)[
[[Here.|I have it.]]
[[Here.|I have it.]]
]SHEPARD: Never. Again.
JOKER: You got it.
JOKER: So... about my package...
(if:$LatanaEscaped is true)[
[[I lost it.]]
(else-if:$PackageDamaged is true)[
[[Here.|It's damaged.]]
(else-if:$ShepardKeptPackage is true)[
[[Here.|I have it.]]
[[Here.|I have it.]]
]SHEPARD: You know what? Sure. Let's do this.
JOKER: You won't be sorry! This is the original zombie movie! The one that started it all.
EDI: Incorrect. Victor Halperin's White Zombie was released in 1932, where as Night of the Living Dead was not released until 1968.
JOKER: Butt out! Can't you see we're having fun.
EDI: I am also capable of fun.
JOKER: We'll see about that...
//The scene fades as SHEPARD, JOKER, and EDI watch the film together.//
[[Mission Completed]]SHEPARD: Maybe later tonight, when I’m not being shot at.
JOKER: Great! See you then!
[[Mission Completed]]SHEPARD: I’m good, but thanks for the offer. You enjoy yourself.
JOKER: I will do just that!
[[Mission Completed]]